fork download
  1. # Exercise 2
  4. # 1. Read n and t as user input (maybe from a command line or as a data stream), where n is
  5. # the size of the square matrix, t is the number of threads to create, and n > t
  6. # 2. Create a zero n x n square matrix M. Assigned a randomized non-zero value to grid
  7. # points divisible by 10 such (0,0), (0,10), (10,0), (20,0),(10,10) ...... You can use a
  8. # function for this but the running time of this will not be considered in the time_elapsed
  9. # 3. Divide your M into t submatrices, m1
  10. # ,m2
  11. # ,...., mt
  12. # ; You can add an additional filter if the
  13. # matrix size n is not divisible t such as if n=10 while t =3, then the input values cannot be
  14. # processed because there is excess column or row.
  15. # 4. Take note of the system time_before ;
  16. # 5. Create t threads, to interpolate the values for each submatrix. (IMPORTANT)
  17. # 6. Take note of the system time time_after;
  18. # 7. Obtain the elapsed time_elapsed = time_after − time_before;
  19. # 8. Output the time_elapsed
  20. # 9. (Optional) You can output the resulting matrix.
  22. import random
  23. import threading
  24. import time
  25. import os
  26. import multiprocessing as mp
  27. import numpy as np
  29. # will hold the matrix with solved values
  30. final = []
  33. #function to create the zero matrix with randomized values on points divisivble by 10
  34. def createMatrix(n):
  35. matrix = []
  36. for i in range(n):
  37. x = []
  38. for j in range(n):
  39. x.append(0)
  40. matrix.append(x)
  41. for row in range(n):
  42. for col in range(n):
  43. if row % 10 == 0 and col %10 == 0 :
  44. matrix[row][col] = random.randint(0,1000)
  46. return matrix
  48. def interpolate(params):
  49. first_row = params[0]
  50. sub_size = params[1]
  51. global final
  53. # solve for left first then right then in between
  54. for cur in range(first_row, first_row + sub_size):
  55. # leftmost
  56. if final[cur][0] == 0:
  57. # fcc interpolation
  58. # the nearest top non zero value (y1) ( x - x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ) * y2 - y1
  59. final[cur][0] = (final[((cur//10)*10)][0]) + ( (cur - ((cur//10)*10)) / (((cur//10)*10)+10 - ((cur//10)*10)) ) * ((final[((cur//10)*10) + 10][0]) - (final[((cur//10)*10)][0]) )
  61. # solving for right
  62. for right in range(1, len(final)//10 + 1):
  63. if final[cur][right*10] == 0:
  64. # fcc interpolation
  65. try:
  66. # the nearest top non zero value (y1) ( x - x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ) * y2 - y1
  67. final[cur][right*10] = (final[((cur//10)*10)][right* 10 ]) + ( (cur - ((cur//10)*10)) / (((cur//10)*10)+10 - ((cur//10)*10)) ) * ((final[((cur//10)*10) + 10][right* 10 ]) - (final[((cur//10)*10)][right* 10 ]))
  68. except:
  69. print()
  70. # solving for yung pagitan
  71. for center in range((right-1)*10, right*10):
  72. # fcc interpolation
  73. # the nearest top non zero value (y1) ( x - x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ) * y2 - y1
  74. final[cur][center] = (final[cur][(right-1)*10]) + ( (center -((right-1)*10)) / ( (right*10) - ((right-1)*10))) * ((final[cur][right*10]) - final[cur][(right-1)*10])
  76. return [final, first_row, sub_size]
  77. # print(tabulate(final))
  82. def create_threads(matrix, threads_num, size):
  83. global final
  84. final = matrix
  85. #divided the matrix into submatrix
  86. sub_size = size //threads_num
  87. excess = size % threads_num
  88. #create threads
  89. threads = []
  90. first_row = 0
  93. divided_matrix = []
  94. for t in range(threads_num):
  95. if t == (threads_num -1):
  96. sub_size += excess
  97. temp = []
  98. temp.append(first_row)
  99. temp.append(sub_size)
  100. divided_matrix.append(temp)
  101. first_row += sub_size
  103. with mp.Pool(os.cpu_count()-1) as pool:
  104. for result in, divided_matrix):
  105. for i in range(result[1], result[1] + result[2]):
  106. final[i] = result[0][i]
  107. print(final)
  108. # print(tabulate(final))
  115. def main():
  116. # size = 8001
  117. # threads = [8001,2,4,8,16,32,64]
  118. # for t in threads:
  119. # for i in range(3):
  120. # print(str(size) + ", " + str(t) + " threads : ")
  121. # matrix= createMatrix(size)
  122. # start = time.time()
  123. # create_threads(matrix, t, size)
  124. # end = time.time()
  126. # elapsed = end - start
  127. # print("Time elapsed: " + str(elapsed) + " seconds")
  128. # break
  129. size = int(input("MATRIX SIZE: "))
  130. t = int(input("THREAD NUM: "))
  131. matrix = createMatrix(size)
  132. start = time.time()
  133. create_threads(matrix, t, size)
  134. end = time.time()
  135. elapsed = end - start
  136. print("Time elapsed: " + str(elapsed) + " seconds")
  139. if __name__ == '__main__':
  140. main()
Success #stdin #stdout 0.23s 30000KB
MATRIX SIZE: THREAD NUM: [[609.0, 571.1, 533.2, 495.3, 457.4, 419.5, 381.6, 343.7, 305.8, 267.9, 230], [553.0, 525.36, 497.72, 470.08000000000004, 442.44, 414.8, 387.16, 359.52000000000004, 331.88, 304.24, 276.6], [497.0, 479.62, 462.24, 444.86, 427.48, 410.1, 392.72, 375.34000000000003, 357.96, 340.58, 323.2], [441.0, 433.88, 426.76, 419.64, 412.52, 405.4, 398.28, 391.15999999999997, 384.03999999999996, 376.91999999999996, 369.79999999999995], [385.0, 388.14, 391.28, 394.42, 397.56, 400.7, 403.84, 406.97999999999996, 410.12, 413.26, 416.4], [329.0, 342.4, 355.8, 369.2, 382.6, 396.0, 409.4, 422.8, 436.2, 449.6, 463.0], [273.0, 296.65999999999997, 320.32, 343.98, 367.64, 391.29999999999995, 414.96, 438.62, 462.28, 485.93999999999994, 509.59999999999997], [217.0, 250.92000000000002, 284.84000000000003, 318.76, 352.68000000000006, 386.6, 420.52, 454.44000000000005, 488.36000000000007, 522.28, 556.2], [161.0, 205.18, 249.36, 293.53999999999996, 337.72, 381.9, 426.08, 470.25999999999993, 514.44, 558.6199999999999, 602.8], [105.0, 159.44, 213.88000000000002, 268.32000000000005, 322.76000000000005, 377.20000000000005, 431.64000000000004, 486.08000000000004, 540.5200000000001, 594.96, 649.4000000000001], [49.0, 113.7, 178.4, 243.1, 307.8, 372.5, 437.2, 501.9, 566.6, 631.3000000000001, 696]]
Time elapsed: 0.05282235145568848 seconds